Bus Sides Change Based on Bus Location


As part of a comprehensive, many million dollar campaign for local search engine Yell.com, AKQA, in a first they tell us, created bus sides on 25 buses that use GPS to change the advertising message based upon the bus's location. The approach aligns perfectly with Yell.com's business premise: to deliver local information relevant to one's location.

The agency also created bus shelters which display a map of where you are and allow you to search for things such as cafes, shops, health club, etc. bas upon the location of the bus shelter. While this seems like a very logical use of technology to further a marketing strategy, AKQA was the first to do it which is, perhaps, why this agency wins so many new clients and awards.

by Steve Hall    Aug-16-06   Click to Comment   
Topic: Good, Mobile/Wireless, Outdoor   

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Innovation isn't just about creativity, sometimes it only requires getting out there and actually doing the "obvious." I hope this begins a trend of location-relevant presentation.

Posted by: Hans Gerwitz on August 16, 2006 3:19 PM

Very cool stuff. I wish there was more detail as to how the creative actually changed from location to location, though. Any idea where we can dig up more information on what and how this was done?

On another note, I work with a company that specializes in RFID technology. The opportunities to combine that technology with advertising and packaging opportunities are just now starting to come into focus. Imagine packaging that would change with the age and quantity of the product it contains?

Thanks again, AdRants, for the interesting piece.

Posted by: Mike Bawden on August 16, 2006 11:32 PM

This is interesting! I hate most of the junk I see on bus shelters but this is interesting, creative and likely a very good idea. I have seen a bunch of bus paint jobs I have thought were creative and effective, this takes it to a new level.

Posted by: Roy on August 18, 2006 6:25 PM