Client Places Ad to Thank DDB Seattle For Account Work
AdPulp points us to an ad placed in AdWeek by Exclusive Resorts outlining the success of its recent advertising and thanking its agency, DDB Seattle, for the work it did on the account. AdPulp hopes, as do we, that our industry isn't completely made up of selfless, ego-driven cretins and that this isn't some sort of prank by DDB to achieve a clandestine, third-party high-five by placing the ad itself.
Steve Case and his group know a little about cultivating relationships, so I doubt it's a DDB ploy at all.
Being in a very similar industry, I can attest to the importance of having a big agency that loves you to get your message across. PR and WOM is the best marketing in the resort business.
Could be that this is really directed at wealthy ad execs to buy Exclusive Resorts memberships. It seems a little too "look how great this service is" to be a simple congratulatory ad.
I smell a rat.