FOX's 'Reunion' Is Actually A Good Show

Catching up on this week's TV last night during a date with the DVR (no TiVo baggage here - just a straight forward, simple cable DVR) we realized a few things. Aside from the usual hits everyone watches such as Survivor, Lost, Grey's Anatomy and ER (well, it used to be a hit), there's a few shows that are getting some attention but deserve more. While racing, blissfully, through a few commercial-free hours of saved programming, we realized there's a few lesser known shows worth mentioning:
- UPN's Veronica Mars is a brilliant show. Each episode is a mini-mystery that Veronica, who's Dad is a private eye, solves all while wondering what she's doing in this really strange world they call highschool. In addition, each season contains an arching mystery that drops clues each episode. Smart strategy. Each episode can stand on its own while the viewer is rewarded with an in depth story if they stick with the series.
- FOX's Reunion, while not brilliant, has an amazingly intertwined plot which spans the live's of six people over 20 year from 1985 to 2005. Each episode represents a year. Because each episode jumps back and forth between present day and the episode's year, it can get a bit confusion following the plot. Perhaps that's one reason why its rating are in the toilet. This show's really a perfect candidate for DVD when you can sit down and watch big chunks of it at a time. Though FOX has done a good job with episode recaps for those who want to catch up.
- ABC's Invasion finally moved the plot along a bit this week with an episode that revealed a bit more behind the alien assimilation thing and the lead characters long involvement with it. It's the better of the several alien shows airing right now. The show has a blog which is nice but they do a terrible job of referring to it on the show misusing the terms blogs when they mean posts on a blog. Does anyone else think the actress playing the Sherrif's daughter, Alexis Dziena, is oddly attractive?
Loved your mini-review of Veronica Mars. You're absolutely right, it is brilliant. However, VM airs on UPN, not theWB (although it does feel like a WB show, back when the WB was interested in shows about smart, sassy young women).
Cheers, K.
What, no Nip/Tuck, I thought you people were hip...
I agree, Reunion is quite good. Seems to be a very difference premise for a show.
Nope, Hunter. We're only almost sorta hip:-) We'll set our DVR for Nip/Tuck as well so we can remain cool.
oddly attractive? she's frickin' amazing. But the show sucks. Totally sucks.
Is anyone else shooting milk out their nose all over American Dad on FOX? cuz it's genius.
Somebody at AdRant's need's to learn the appropriate use's of the apostrophe.
I think Reunion is a great show and it should not be canceled. I don't think it has been given a chance.
I think Reunion is a great show... I know a lot of people who watch the show and we are all shocked that Fox does not plan on renewing next season. I think the main idea for the show is terrific. Sometimes you just need to change the cast around to get things working. Thats why this show would be perfect --- each season would be new faces and new storylines/murder plots. Similiar to the game "Clue"... each season would be another murder to solve. Although I am very disappointed that the show is not being renewed for another season, I hope Fox plans on finishing the first season and we can see the next 10 episodes/years of these lives we become so familiar with...
I think Reunion is a great show... I know a lot of people who watch the show and we are all shocked that Fox does not plan on renewing next season. I think the main idea for the show is terrific. Sometimes you just need to change the cast around to get things working. Thats why this show would be perfect --- each season would be new faces and new storylines/murder plots. It's similiar to the game CLUE... each season would be another murder to solve. Although I am very disappointed that the show is not being renewed for another season, I hope Fox plans on finishing the first season and we can see the next 10 episodes/years of these lives we become so familiar with...
I am disappointed to hear that Fox has canceled REUNION...this is a great show. This one of my top 3 shows that I watch.
I am disappointed that reunion has been canceled. Will we ever know who the killer was. They implied a few people but no for sures.
I am very disappointed to here that Fox has cancel
led Reunion. It was one of the few that had me
absolutely glued to the TV. But Fox often cancels
really good shows with no warning and without even
finishing the season or at least wrapping it up.
They've also cancelled,without warning,True Calling,Point Pleasant, and North Shore. I hope at
least Fox network plans on airing the last episodes of Reunion, my friends and I really want
to know who the killer was. Fox should really give
new shows more of a chance.
I am so MAD at Fox! Reunion was a GREAT show! Never missed it!! This is SO crazy that they're not finishing it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like REUNION, I guess they will resume after new year... then I found out it's cancelled, that's bad, Reunion is a great show! pls resume the schedule to boardcast it! thanks so much! I have watched every epizode ! If FOX doesn't put it back, I will not see OC & American-Idol anymore! disappointed :(
I am disappointed to find out that "Reunion" has been canceled. If you do not plan on showing the last episodes, will you make them available through Dvd.
Canceling the show is like letting someone taste the candybar then telling them, they can't eat the whole thing, and never seeing what is in the middle. It sucks. I am having a sweet craving for the last episodes of "Reunion"
Jodi Jensen
I'm so disappointed in FOX. Reunion was my favoirte show after The OC.
I am soooooo sick of watching anything on Fox. Since you have canceled Reunion, that is the straw that broke the camels back. You do this type of thing way too much, no wonder you have less viewers than any other station!!!!! I have to say you deserve it and just lost yet another viewer.
Fox always does this. They had me hooked with "Skin" which was about two teens, one the daughter of porno film producer and the other was the son of a politician. It had a romeo and juliet feel and it had a good story line. It also addressed social issues like with inter-racial relationships. I guess it was too racey for primetime television. EEERRRR I want to know who killed her. Uhhhhh it will be like that a trival question that you need to know the answer to and it cannot leave your mind until you find out the answer.
I agree, Im so sick of Fox doing this. I was also a fan of Skin and was mad when they cancelled that. Reunion was another reminder, as soon as I get hooked on something they take it away. Im sorry but it was MUCH better than American Idol. I'm so sick of that show, reality TV in general. Who do they poll to decide the show isnt worth continuing? Fox needs to stick to something they start.
Fox also did this with Boston Public. That was a great show. It lasted for three or four years and then it was gone with no warning. Reunion is unfortunately another victim of Fox's inexplicable reasoning for canceling shows.
Every Thursday night I would look forward to watching Reunion. I am mad as well with Fox for taking that show off the air. TV isn't that great anymore to begin with. This show was different than all the rest, that is why it was so good. How dare they pull the show off the air in the middle of it. It's not like some silly sitcom where the plot wasn't going anywhere. This story had a plot to it. The very least they could have done was see it through the rest of the season. It's not fair to the fans to pull it in midstream. Every week I had a different person as the murderer. Fox needs to put it back on ( it would be okay to put it on during the summer when ratings don't matter much ). Fox owes it to the fans to finish what they started.
I am beyond MAD im ANGRY. i was looking forward to watch reunion on a thursday night but it didnt show up!!!!!!!! now i heard they cancelled the show in the middle of the season!!!!!!!! thats not fair and fox owes it to the fans who watch that show to bring it back. it was 1 of my favorite shows. it just kept u guessing who the murderer was. which was fun
I am also angry that they canceled reunion. It was one of the few shows that i actually watched. Never missed a single episode. I believe they did tell us who the killer was. It was the rich friend, her husband. It was during the episode that the actress friend was interviewed. At the end of the episode, she said she would never forgive him or whatever for killing her. Maybe we coud start a petition or something to bring it back. Worked for Family Guy didn't it?
I am from Mexico and had no idea that Reunion had been cancelled until now. I can't believe it!!! I think FOX owes it to us to finish the 20 episodes it had promised!!!! I am just as angry as everyone else who has posted their opinion here. I really hope that these messages are read from someone at FOX so that they can see how angry their audience is. After all these messages don't you think something could be done.I agree with the person that said that if at least the end would be available on DVD. PLEASE!!!!!!!!! YOU CAN NOT LEAVE US HANGING LIKE THIS!! I hope that someone listens to us and lets us know what will happen! Is this desicion really final???? Why get people hooked on a show and then cancel it? It does not make sense?!?!?!??!!? Please you owe it to all of us reunion fans.....bring the show back on!!!!!! Are there any ideas from anyone as to how we can make that happen? I am really very disappointed and I hope someone listens to us all.:(
Write to Vicente
I really wish a full set of Season One of FOX's "REUNION" will be released for the fans that did find it intriguing. It was disappointing to find that the show was cancelled this fall, my friends and I really enjoyed it. I wish there was something we could do to help make our point known and see the rest of the show.
I am so sad REUNION got cancelled. I was so hooked on it.Does anyone know if it is going to be released on dvd? I would lov eto get it. Maybe they actually would let all of us fans know how it ended.
When i found out reunion was cancled i got soo sadd!! i dont care wat anyone says that was the best show ever! fox should at least hav the episodes on dvd!! if anyone knows if there is a website or anyhting that has episodes of reunion pleasee tell mee!!!