Celebrity Magazine 'OK' Gets Slammed With Bathroom Stallfiti
While out and about at favorite "preferred divey Chinatown karaoke bar, Winnies, Gawker spotted a bit of bathroom stall commentary on recently launched OK Magazine that, we're sure, the publisher won't be too happy to see.
You kidding Steve, if I were the publisher I would be ecstatic. All the overcoverage that Gawker provides is great for these rags. Gawker (and countless other snarky blogs)have become a sort of life support for the print media outlets they attack, a sort of colony of helpful parasites.
I agree. All publicity is good publicity. You just have a hard time remembering that in the midst of the initial chaos. :)
My favorite exploration of the topic is Joshua Gamson's _Claims to Fame_ (interview with Gamson here, http://www.stayfreemagazine.org/archives/15/josh.html )
He explores the history of celebrity, how the industry tried to mold perfect celebs who did nothing wrong, how this was impossible, and how they ended up playing a double game both using the bad publicity and trying to craft the perfect celeb for the media.
Fun stuff.