Charlotte Church to Appear in Pepsi Ad

In the UK, Pepsi is said to be in talks with former child opera star and current tabloid queen, Charlotte Church along with Oasis band member Liam Gallagher to appear in a Pepsi commercial promoting the drinks' use as a cocktail mixer. In the ad, it is said, Gallagher will teach Church how to smash up a hotel room while sucking down drinks mixed with Pepsi. Now there's a brand image worth fighting for. A Pepsi source explains, "We've always got safe, family friendly stars to endorse Pepsi in the past, like Britney Spears, Beyonce Knowles, Cindy Crawford and Blue. But Pepsi is becoming more and more popular as a cocktail mixer at parties, so we want a wilder, more controversial image to go with that, and Liam and Charlotte are ideal. They both love their booze and between them they cover the gender demographics we're trying to target. Charlotte is young, sexy and fun-loving, while Liam is an older, cool rock star." Now there's a brand manager that doesn't gloss over the truth of his company's marketing goals.
Almost three years ago, we proudly predicted Charlotte Church would rise to a level of celebrity on par with Britney Spears. While she might not quite have reached Spears' level, if Spears continues to head in her current direction, it won't be too difficult for Church to overtake.
Oh come on, this has to be a joke. What's your source for this story? "The Onion?"
On a completely unrelated note, congrats on the blurb in the latest issue of "Newsweek." Very impressive. Still waiting for them to mention Mistress Cleo's International House of Escorts.
I have never used Pepsi as a cocktail mixer and probably never will. "Bartender, uh yes, a Jack & Pep, please."
Hmm...I was in Newsweek?
Correct, Sir Steve. Adrants rated a mention in their Blog Watch feature near the front of the magazine -- something about offering a "snark"-free take on the ad industry. I love your site, but let's face it: It's infested with snark -- which is probably why I love it. Mad props to you, good sir.
They called this place snark-free? Ha! When was the last time they read Adrants? :-)
Well, bear in mind that Newsweek is also the same publication that ran an inflammatory story about guards at Guantanamo (sorry, I know I spelled that wrong) flushing the Koran down the toilet that was later proven to be false. Hopefully, their mischaracterization of your fine site as being free of snark won't cause any riots.
You can pimp all you want for Charlotte, but it'll never get you laid. And to think, you were hot for her when she was 16! Tsk-tsk.
I have been a fan of Charlotte's for years, and think this ad is a great idea if true. CC has turned down millions of pounds in commercials from
advertisors in the Uk, esp. underwear
and victoria-secret type advertisors.
This concept, however, may just cater to her particular brand of cheekiness and unique style, especially if she sings somewhere in the commercial. She IS the UK equivalent of Britney; rarely
does a day goes by that she is NOT in the news----she just had her second single "Call My Name" come out and in video from her debue 'pop' album "Tissues and Issues", and is doing well. Her boyfriend, Gavin Hensen,a professional rugby player, just came out with a controversial book on his life so far, and had some not-so-flattering comments about the mangement of the English Lions's recent loss to the New Zealand All-Blacks.
The only problem I see with CC is that she is very provençial, and doesn't like to stray far from her hometown of Cardiff, Wales (and her bf, too) She is already a millionaire, so she has none of the "drive" that spurs on our pop singers. But if anyone can do this, she can. You guys made a good bet if all goes as planned. Hopefully, we will see her early next year if she decides to come over to tour and promote the new album.
Ray Annis
Sebring, Fl
Surprised you didn't pick up on the tabloid pics of Charlotte Church nude sunbathing not very long ago. It would be consistent anyway ;)
Oh believe me, Stevie, we saw those images the day they were shot. i think the image in this post is far more flattering than those flabby-assed thong pics:-)
I'm confused with the Pepsi guy's statement...Britney is family friendly??? She makes Scary Spice seem sane and amicable...
I think you are all looking at the wrong side of this, I dont know how popular Liam Gallagher is over there, but here in Australia, we (well...I) love him, and think the ad sounds outrageously funny...any chance to perv on Liam I will support!!