Ashanti Precious Jewel Campaign Causes Concern


Adrants reader Samara Grant writes to tell us she's concerned about Wal-Mart's recent Precious Jewel ad featuring Ashanti. Grant writes, "In her ad she talks about her belief that all young girls are 'precious.' But it is a contradiction to say at the end of ad that her fragrance is a 'sensual' scent. I don't think young girls should wear something that is called "sensual" if they are told in the previous sentence how 'precious' they are. If Ashanti wants to impress young girls and get them as her fans, she needs to put a little more clothes on. It's disgusting and very degrading and is also sending these young girls the wrong message."

Well, like we said in another post, stereotypes are rampant in advertising and so is the urge to grab youth while they are young and vulnerable. Currently, hot pop and Hollywood stars are the way to do it. But, that perpetuates the 12-year-old slut conundrum. Conversely, as Tia Fix writes, at one point in time, youth and sex were quite normal.

by Steve Hall    Oct-31-05   Click to Comment   
Topic: Opinion, Trends and Culture   

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My god, if that was any more airbrushed they would need to frame it.

Posted by: Rob Mortimer on October 31, 2005 8:28 PM

This is pathetic, people just need to stop lookin at the bad things in life come on know who ever wrote that must have been on crack o something

Posted by: Alicia on November 1, 2005 2:33 PM

Please stop sitting on your @$$ finding the tiniest things to rant and rave about, "sensual"? come on, you gotta get with the times!

Posted by: Buddy on November 1, 2005 2:37 PM

get a life woman ashanti is gr8 and can do wantz she puts more clothes on than most celebs!!

Posted by: Ra on November 1, 2005 4:25 PM

get a life woman ashanti is gr8 and can do wantz she puts more clothes on than most celebs!!

Posted by: Ra on November 1, 2005 4:26 PM

This is so stupid

Posted by: WOW on November 1, 2005 6:11 PM

Well, I dont understand why it is okay for one celeb to be given the 3rd degree for showing too much skin, but on the other hand it's okay for other celebs to have on almost "nothing but a string". If people are so worried about Ashanti showing too much, then maybe they should be worried about Destiny's Child giving live lap dances at the BET Awards, or Britney and Madonna making out, or even taking the clothes off of Barbie!!! Give me a break! There are more serious things going on in life than watching celeb(s) every move. Being a young adult and knowing from personal experience(s), I can honestly say that just because my parents didnt "like", didn't have an effect on what I "liked".

Posted by: Lena on November 20, 2005 2:47 PM

Parenta and Guardians should be responsible for steering their girls in the right direction. The girls need to find their own identity and not depend on celebs to copy from. Celebs are human too, with their own identity. After seeing most of my female cousins who I admied messing up and having babies early from no good guys, i realized that you have to admire your self. I'm doing great. And I know there are some haters out there that wish I would mess up. But the key is to run your own life. Don't mock others and worship humans.

Posted by: Zenita L Street on November 30, 2005 7:43 PM

i dont know why there's so much controversy on this, the perfume smells like ah club full of sweety people its disgusting. And ya'll need to get ah life who ever started this controversy, stop being so anal sex sells, sex is what brought you into this world and its not goin away, so just get over yourself and find ah hobby, better yet a job.

Posted by: lame on December 12, 2005 1:33 PM

Ashanti's carrer is going down hill anyway- who's baby did she just have anyway? someone post it

Posted by: Francine on May 3, 2006 10:10 PM

heyah girl i am youre number one fan you is better than beyonce to me cause she think she the shite but she aint girl i was wondering could i ever get to meet you i be trying to come to youre concerts but you havent came to memphis to perform but anyways im 15 years old just email me back at [email protected]

Posted by: Lil shay on July 17, 2006 5:32 PM

heyah girl i am youre number one fan you is better than beyonce to me cause she think she the shite but she aint girl i was wondering could i ever get to meet you i be trying to come to youre concerts but you havent came to memphis to perform but anyways im 15 years old just email me back at [email protected]

Posted by: Lil shay on July 17, 2006 5:33 PM

heyah girl i am youre number one fan you is better than beyonce to me cause she think she the shite but she aint girl i was wondering could i ever get to meet you i be trying to come to youre concerts but you havent came to memphis to perform but anyways im 15 years old just email me back at [email protected]

Posted by: Lil shay on July 17, 2006 5:34 PM