Book Promoted With 'TwattyGirl' Apparel

Having gone to trademark court to prove the word "TwattyGirl" is "not immoral or scandalous," let alone referential to a particular female body part, New York-based hedge fund executive Precious Marlowe (again, who names their kids like this?) has launched an apparel brand called TwattyGirl. According to the press release, the line is "designed for independent, sexy, bold, outspoken women from 18-45 and is inspired by the main character, TwattyGirl, in Marlowe's forthcoming novel – 'Bulletproof –Things Twattygirl Told You, But You Didn't Want to Hear.'" Of course, this whole thing is just a stunt to promote the book.
The line will include t-shirts with inspirational slogans or "twattyisms" along with lingerie, jewelry, baseball caps and greeting cards.
$31.00 for a boy beater?? twattygirl is a thief at best.
Oh, please.
Independent, sexy, bold? Thank god those are words that you can understand anywhere. Here is our thake on the issue Enjoy!
I think it's back to the labia for the ad-guys after this shocking campaign
Definately a thief.
First of all, the tees are screened American Apparel which is just getting soooooooo tired. "Hi, I'm a 'designer.' Would you like please buy my tired old, pre-dyed American Apparel? body's ever done this before." Yawn.
Secondly, what stupid ho wants to brand herself as Twatty girl?
Maybe these are meant to be "revenge panties" that you send skanks, evil ex-girlfriends, or anyone male or female that you are attempting to humilate.