Job-Seeking Miami Ad School Students Create Fake LinkedIn Profile of Dead Ad Guy And Tell Ad Professionals They Should Spend More Time With Their Kids


In the most twisted path towards getting parents to spend more time with their kids -- and look for a job, three Miami Ad School New York students, Frank Garcia, Giulia Magaldi and Begona Mas created a fake LinkedIn profile for Mark Howard, a deceased CEO of a marketing firm called Fritz & Fulton.

This fake profile has spent the last few days visiting and sending notifications to the LinkedIn profiles of New York advertising professionals. These advertising types were encouraged to visit where they were encouraged to make sure their work doesn't take over their life and pull them away from their children.

Of course the entire thing is just a ploy to call attention to the three students who, of course, are looking for work and who, of course, want all you New York ad types to visit their LinkedIn profiles (links conveniently provided on the BringBackTrickOrTreat site), check them out and offer them a job.

So yea. Go spend more time with your kids. And then hire these three tricksters.

by Steve Hall    Oct-29-14   Click to Comment   
Topic: Agencies   
