Hey Content Marketers, Here's Your Secret to Creating Killer Blog Posts


So everyone's doing content marketing these days. Whether you call it content marketing, inbound marketing or native advertising is irrelevant. Because all of you are doing the same thing; creating content (instead of ads) to sell your product or service.

So acknowledging that, every bit of content you create should be killer content, right? Well here's the secret to creating killer content. At least according to this infographic. It's not a click-bait headline (hello Business Insider, Buzzfeed, Upworthy). It's not a link to Wikipedia. It's not the use of images. It's not listicles. It's references. Yes, references. Again, at least according to this infographic.

Created by Who Is Hosting This (which, itself, is using content in the form of this infographic to promote themselves...how meta), this infographic suggests the use of, yes, infographics but also primary news sources, primary research, expert opinions and quotes, StumbleUpon/Delicious/Twitter as pointers to primary sources, Facebook and LinkedIn to find opinion leaders and YouTube for actual sources.


by Steve Hall    Jul- 2-14   Click to Comment   
Topic: Weblogs   
