Russian Models Taunt Instagram Users With Sexy Hashtags And Images That Don''t Load
This ploy from Russian telecom brand MTS by BBDO Moscow recalls the early days of internet porn and 24K baud rate dial-up modems. But since no one knows what that experience is like these days, MTS took it upon themselves to frustrate the heck out of people to tout its 4G service.
The brand teamed with Russian models Victoria Bonya, Alena Vodonaeva and Anna Sedokova and had them post photos to their Instagram accounts with these hastags: #sexy #oiled #myself #six #hot #naked #pumpedup #guys #red #latex #ass #withanimals #cat #bear #horse #experimenting #crazy #positions #wow #amazing #ohmygod.
Those of you who use Instagram are familiar with the loading symbol that occasionally appears when images don't appear immediately. Well along with these hastags, the models posted images of this loading symbol tricking people into believing images might load when, in fact, they never did.
A few days after posting these images and hastags, the models posted ads for the brand's 4G services.
Did the campaign work? According to the case study -- complete with ejaculating whipped cream shot -- video, yes. More than 3 million were touched by the campaign. Via. No word on how many people touched themselves during or after the campaign.