Strange Braun Ad Makes Woman Shave Before She Dons Glass-Encased Dress
We've never had this happen to us to we guess we'll have to ask the ladies. Have you ever had your closet put it a giant "Stop" message in front of you before you reach in to select your dress for the day? The woman in this Braun ad gets a stop message seemingly because she has not shaved herself smoothly enough to be "allowed" to don the dress. Or because the computer that controls access to her closet hasn't yet decided whether or not she's smooth enough to don the dress. Or something like that.
Anyway, she's ultimately allowed to wear the dress...which is a good thing because she's strutting around in her underpants and she needs to get that ass covered. Then there's some weird orgasmic moaning interlude which occurs as she caresses her smoothly shaven legs in what appears to be some sort of montage memory of her shaving experience. She then struts her way out of the warehouse -- in slow motion, of course -- and...cut to Braun logo.
The work was created by BBDO Dusseldorf and directed by Eduardo Vieitez.