This Girl's Dress is So Tight She Has to Phone Her Friend For Help


Awkward dressing room moments. We've all had them. Well, all of you have. We never have. Except for that one time we walked in on a girl with boobs bigger than her head who was fruitlessly trying to stuff them into a bikini top. She just smiled and did the hand bra thing. We smiled too. For a very, very long time.

Anyway, it seems there are all kinds of dressing room disasters and that theme is central to a new Grey London-created ad for Vodafone Ireland. While the girl in this ad isn't having difficulty stuffing her breasts into a bikini top, she is having a very frustrating time attempting to take a tight dress off over her head.

Once she realizes she's in a bind, she grabs her phone to call her friend for help only to realize she's out of credits. But since her phone is a Vodafone phone, she can barrow credits to make the call. Which is awesome except for the fact her friend is otherwise engaged.

by Steve Hall    Sep- 6-13   Click to Comment   
Topic: Racy, Video   
