LG Scares the Crap Out of Job Applicants With End-of-World Stunt


Thankfully not every country has laws like we do in America that make it near impossible for marketers to carry out stellar stunts like LG just did in Chile. The electronics brand placed a TV behind an interviewers desk so that it appeared to be a window. Applicants entered. The interview began. And then all hell breaks loose!

Pretty awesome if you ask us. The video, uploaded September 2, is nearing 500,000 views on YouTube.

This is not the first time LG has scared the crap out of people to sell a few flat screen TVs. Last October, they freaked out elevator riders by digitally dropping the floor out from under them. That video has garnered close to 20 million views. Will this latest video top that?

by Steve Hall    Sep- 4-13   Click to Comment   
Topic: Guerilla   
