Watch This Wallflower Transform Into A Windblown Beauty With Twin Pink-Shirted Hotties at Her Beck And Call


Some do say that food cures all ills. After all, why do we sometimes refer to it as "comfort food?" Well, because after a life of losing out to the more beautiful half, a girl ought to be able to walk into a Subway and get exactly what she wants.

In this McCann London-created commercial, we share in the pain that is Janet's life. She suffered in the shadows of equestrian princesses, wallowed in comparative success of her friends, was routinely hoodwinked and was continuously dealt a less than desirable deal when it came to men.

Of course, all this changed when she discovered Subway, it's endless choice and the ability to have a Mango Chicken sub any way she wanted it every time she visited. It would seem alls well that ends well. As long as you eat at Subway.

by Steve Hall    Aug- 7-13   Click to Comment   
Topic: Commercials   
