Samsung 'Tabitat' Turns Humans Into Caged Apes


It is confirmed. Humans are wild animals with very strange habits. This new campaign from Chiel and production company six01 use the nature documentary approach to examine the "tabitat" of the (obsessively) connected generation.

One "resplendent" woman, a Wan-de-rus, is one of the most graceful migratory specimens to ever roam the earth. Another group of humans, labeled Con-nect-i-cus, are are "known for their hunting and gathering"...and their social media skills. And a man -- in this case, the Re-lax-i-cus -- is "one of nature's serene and tranquil creatures" who's tablet is naturally synchronized with his Galaxy phone.

It's all mildly humorous but also telling that brands know full well humans all just a bunch of lemmings at their beck and call and with enough money they can convince them to do whatever it is they want them to do whenever they want them to do it. In that respect, humans aren't very wild. Rather, they are caged apes who are trained (tortured?) until they perform as instructed. Which, of course, is the really basic goal of any good brand marketer. So in that respect, it would appear Samsung (and every other technology brand) has done it's job very, very well.

by Steve Hall    Aug- 8-13   Click to Comment   
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Strange   
