Snickers Bar Calms Freaked Out Robin WIlliams


Hmm. We're not sure it's funny or sad that Robin Williams is appearing in a Snickers commercial. Like Mr. T, it's either because he's a washed up has-been or he's reached cult status. Given Williams' more than decent acting career, we'd like to hope for the latter.

In any event, Williams can be seen as a football coach spouting off silly inanities because he's hungry and needs a Snickers bar. The ad, created by BBDO New York, debuted Sunday during the SAG Awards...which makes the appearance of Williams ever more appropriate.

Oh and just for icing on the cake, Bobcat Goldthwait makes an appearance as a cheerleader.

As for Mr's T's appearance in a 2008 Snickers ad, which Bob Garfield called homophobic, here was our take. It was one of our mnore enjoyable rants.

by Steve Hall    Jan-28-13   Click to Comment   
Topic: Celebrity   
