Agent Provocateur Model Loses Her Pussy


So the whole pussy double entendre thing? Dead, done, gone, right? Nope. Agent Provocateur has dusted it off and is foisting in out face for it Valentine's Day promotion.

So we have a woman wandering around her house in her lingerie (naturally) who hears a noise outside and her cat screeching. She heads outdoors and catches the attention of a man running by. And oh yes, she asks, "Have you seen my pussy?"

Well, yes, maam, it's right there between your legs. OK, he didn't say that. His tongue dropped, she scowled at him and he went on his while. Out lady friend then proceeds to continue looking for her cat by calling, "Here pussy, pussy, pussy...."

by Steve Hall    Jan-30-13   Click to Comment   
Topic: Racy   
