Denver Pizza Chain Slaps Down Silly Trends
With trendy fast food options exploding, what's a pizza shop that just, well, makes pizza supposed to do? Poke fun at everyone else, of course. And that's just what Denver-based Anthony's Pizza & Pasta did.
With help from Denver-based Cultivator Advertising & Design, the New York-style pizza chain launched an out-of-home campaign that lobbed witty stabs at various trends. The campaign's tagline is Pizza That Never Follows Trends. Headlines include:
"Really Need a Like Button to Tell You What You Like?"
"Skinny Guy Jeans? A Year from Now You'll be Wearing Bell-Bottoms."
"Love Social Media? Sit Around a Table with Friends."
"Want to be Really Hip? Grow a Mullet."
"Of Course You're Developing an App."
"If You Dress Like a Lumberjack and You're Not, then You're Not."
There's something to be said for a traditional classic. But that doesn't mean a traditional classic has to be, well, traditionally polite.