Over 40 Percent of Adults Will Live Stream Olympics on Mobile Devices


Mobile marketing tech provider Velti has released the results of a study conducted by Harris Interactive in June showing 40 percent of those who plan to follow the Olympics this summer will do so on two or more devices. The results also revealed that 35 percent of U.S. adults will turn to their tablet for news and coverage, while 27 percent will use their smartphone.

Among those turning to smartphones or tablets to track the games, online browsers will trump application usage on both devices. Of those using a smartphone who will follow the Olympics, 77 percent will tune in using a browser while 63 percent will use an app for updates. Among tablet users, 80 percent will use a browser and only 58 percent will utilize apps.

Of those using a smartphone to follow the games, 45 percent will access video clips and replays, while 41 percent plan to stream live coverage via a browser. Fifty percent of tablet users will watch videos and replays on their browser, while 45 percent will stream live coverage. This is the first year the Olympic Games will stream all 32 sports live.

Additional interesting findings:

- Of those who will follow the Olympics this summer: 36 percent will follow the games on a TV and a computer; 11 percent will use a TV and their smartphone; 10 percent will use a computer and their smartphone.

- A significant amount (39%) of U.S adults using their smartphones to follow the games will also be doing so by communicating with their peers via talk and/or text. Thirty-two percent plan to text with others about the Olympics, and 21 percent will talk on the phone with others about the Olympics.

- Overall, among men between the ages of 18-34, 83 percent plan to follow the Olympics at all, vs. only 71 percent of females in the same age group.

by Steve Hall    Jul-19-12   Click to Comment   
