Google Fiber is Just What Kansas City Needed


Venables Bell & Partners, with help from 1st Avenue Machine, have created this fantastic animated representation of internet speeds to herald the launch of Google Fiber in Kansa City, one of 1,100 cities which applied for the behemoth's new 1000 MB/Sec fiber network.

The agency crafted a representation of on internet speeds as if they fueled the physical goings on within an city. Beginning with antiquated 56K speeds to 10GB speeds and all the way up to 1,000GB speeds, the video is underscored by an ever more speedy version of The Cars hit, Just What I Needed.

A dead-on representation of what life would be life if it ran at 1,000GB/Sec. Impressive work.

by Steve Hall    Jul-30-12   Click to Comment   
Topic: Video   
