Girls Bicker Over Walrus-Like Boyfriend in New Skittles Ad
This new Skittles work from DDB Chicago further convinces us that if aliens ever do make a pit stop on earth during their interstellar escapades, they'll quickly toss the human race off as a mentally-challenged tribe of misfits in need of a few more millennia of cognitive development to be worthy of our own interstellar wings.
After all, who in their right mind wouldn't think that after watching this commercial in which a couple dumbed-down, Zooey Deschanel-like girls squabble over the identity of their walrus-like boyfriends and whether or not one's looks determine one's inner being. Deep stuff.
Of course, this being advertising - whether or not aliens can recognize the difference - we all get pass to just laugh and appreciate the true oddity of the creative mind behind this work.