Faces of Drunk Driving Personalizes Aftermath of Drunk Driving


Sherry Matthews Advocacy Marketing, the Texas-based agency that brought us Happy Hour Fail - a fantastic PSA in which a drunk driving arrest plays out over social media, is out with Faces of Drunk Driving. Faces of Drunk Driving features the stories of Sean Carter and Jacqui Saburido who were both severely injured by drunk drivers.

The site, which allows visitors to scroll through events, truly engages the viewer by drawing them into every aspect of each individual's tragedy from what their life wat like before injury to the details of the crash to the recovery process to how each individual emerged and forged ahead. Gripping and inspiring.

While Happy Hour Fail was more of a humorous look at the effects of drunk driving, Faces of Drunk Driving takes a harder look and digs deep into the after effects of a drunk driving event.

by Steve Hall    Jul-12-12   Click to Comment   
Topic: Cause   
