Model Strips Off Clothing Based on Number of Facebook Likes


So how do you market a clothing brand in Amsterdam? You search for a model on Facebook, dress her in every piece of men's clothing from the Spring/Summer 2012 line and then have her strip off all the clothes based on how many Likes the brand's Facebook page gets.

Yup. Arnold Amsterdam put together this program for clothing brand Stussy. Of the effort, Arnold Creative Director Colin Lamberton said, "As you can imagine the model must be suffocating under that many layers of clothing. It is almost a public duty to free her out of this misery so we are expecting Facebook fans to help out here. Like and undress."

As part of the process, people can invite their friends to come to the page and Like the campaign as well. Likes are great but how about a link to buy?

And what about the Facebook policy that reads "You must not use Facebook features or functionality, such as the Like button, as a voting mechanism for a promotion."?

by Steve Hall    Apr-11-12   Click to Comment   
Topic: Social   
