Mitsubishi Makes It Normal to Own an Electric Vehicle in Normal, Illinois


Wait. Didn't we already do the whole -rename-the-town-for-marketing-purposes-thing already? Wait, what? Mitsubishi really isn't renaming Normal, Illinois EVTown? They're just giving 1,000 electric cars to Mitsubishi residents and outfitting the town with charging stations in an effort illustrate what an all-electirc automotive world would look like on a large scale?

Oh. OK. We get it now. And we like it. Of course the old leverage-the-hicks-for-marketing-success approach is tired, overused and lame but you have to start somewhere. Changing the country's automotive landscape and energy needs isn't going to change over night. It's going to happen one step (one town) at a time. And we like this work 180LA did for the automotive brand.

Of the campaign, 180LA ECD William Gelner said, "Normal challenges the preconceptions of where innovation is coming from today. What if it's not coming from the coasts, but from somewhere in the middle of America. Maybe it's not coming from the large automakers, but from Mitsubishi."

What if, indeed.

by Steve Hall    Oct-11-11   Click to Comment   
Topic: Brands, Campaigns   
