Agent Provocateur Fails to Excite


Here's the latest from Agent Provocateur. Out for a week or so, it's racked up 32,700 views on Vimeo which is not all that much at all for a brand that specializes in titillating to sell lingerie. They've had a much better track record in the past with other work. Perhaps it's the Eyes Wide Shut-ish, S&M nature of the commercial that has viewers turned off. Perhaps it's the semi-nudity. Perhaps it's the lingerie no one would ever wear in real life. Perhaps it's the double standard that men can be tortured in a commercial but, God forbid, if women ever were there would be a cause group cacophony so loud every last model in the world would find themselves permanently clad in a burka.

by Steve Hall    Oct-13-11   Click to Comment   
Topic: Racy   
