Cheech and Chong's Flaming Pole Hijacked


By now, you've all seen the Cheech and Chong Magic Brownie movie in which the two stoners embark upon a road trip to Flaming Pole. If not, watch it below. What you might not know is that General Mills may have let an interesting opportunity pass them by as this video gains traction.

The video promotes the brand's 90 calorie Fiber One bar. But a big part of the video is the quest to reach Flaming Pole. Sounds like the marketer could and should have done something with Flaming Pole. Well they didn't. But someone did. Head over to

On the site it's pointed out Generals Mills did purchase their way to the top of "magic brownies" search results but they neglected to capitalize on Flaming Pole. Perhaps it's irrelevant but we think they could have had a lot of fun building out Flaming Pole to Burning Man-esque greatness.

by Steve Hall    Sep-29-11   Click to Comment   
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