MTV Asks Us to Give A Shit


If you've ever tweeted, Facebook'd, Google+'d or conducted any other form of social communication while sitting on the toilet, you're the target audience for this new campaign from Give A Shit.

In a two minute video, Twilight actress Nikki Reed urges us all to...give a shit. The campaign, which is backed by MTV, aims to encourage people to...just care. Care about the various problems facing the world. Reed, with inspiration from the Dahli Lama, argues that the simple act of just caring can lead to actions being taken to cure the world of its ills. If only. But, hey, it's valiant effort that taps into everyone "God-given moment of solitude and contemplation."

Join the movement. With a movement of your own.

by Steve Hall    Aug- 9-11   Click to Comment   
Topic: Cause, Celebrity, Racy   
