When Advertising to Monkeys, Sex May Sell, Too


The last session of the Cannes Lions this year was (maybe aptly) titled "Monkey See." Led by Elizabeth Kiehner and Nick Buttrick, it covered a project between Yale students and ad creatives to advertise to monkeys.

The goal is best encapsulated by Frans de Waal: "To endow animals with human emotions has long been a scientific taboo. But if we do not, we risk missing something fundamental, about both animals and us."

Science has found we're 95-98.5% identical to chimpanzees. And a place called the Comparative Cognition Laboratory has for the last six years been running something called the Monkey Marketplace, which has taught capuchin monkeys how to live with money and exchange it for things that they want every day.

Read the rest on Yahoo! Scene.

by Angela Natividad    Jun-25-11   Click to Comment   
Topic: Industry Events, Trends and Culture   
