Table Dancing, Cheese Girls, Pigeons Highlight Tuesday's Cannes Parties


Tuesday night in Cannes the party scene really and truly kicked into full swing. With all the delegates in town combined with the fact Tuesday was Festival of Music, the Croisette was jam pack with people eight months old to 80 years old. Making way from one party to another was quite the challenge.

We again visited Le Rooftop, Fast company's series of parties/sessions. Last night Omnicom CEO John Wren made an appearance to speak about the state of the advertising agency and the fact he'd be happy to helm Omnicom for as long as they'll have him. A delicious dinner was served before heading out to the Croisette and the other parties.

We hit Young Lions (not literally, of course), Say Media and the Opening Gala. All were a good time in one way or another. The Opening Gala had more food than we've ever seen collected in one place. The Young Lions party had more beautiful, young women and men than we've ever seen collected in one place. And the Say Media party had Bob Garfield! And what's not to love about Bob Garfield?

Oh but let's not forget the guy who decided to dance with a table , the Cheese Girls who, to promote MassiveMusic, sauntered up and down the Croisette stopping at various parties to offer, yes, cheese or the pigeons that grazed on peanuts at Le Rooftop.

Every party was completely full. Every delegate was out and about. And, as is always tradition, they all ended up at the Gutter Bar later at night. We ran into one of the women who organized the Dutch Young creatives party Monday night who said, "I can get you into the MassiveMusic party!" Well, we look forward to that opportunity.

by Steve Hall    Jun-22-11   Click to Comment   
Topic: Industry Events   
