Shocker! Cannes Debuts Creative Effectiveness Category


We had to do a double take when we were told of this. After all, we're talking about Cannes here. The boondoggle that celebrates creativity in the advertising industry. And by creativity, we mean ads the industry, itself, thinks are "really cool" and "cutting edge."

Still we find it hard to believe but Cannes has launched a Creative Effectiveness category which will awards honors to shortlisted or winning entries from last year that...wait for it...actually delivered results.

Say what? A Cannes Lion for ad work that sold shit? Slap me upside the head with Donny Deutch's Speedo but did we hear that right?

Apparently, results will account for 50 percent of the judging criteria with the remaining 50 percent consisting of the idea and the strategy. A 20 person jury including four clients will decide the fate of, to date, 142 entries from 33 countries.

by Steve Hall    May- 9-11   Click to Comment   
Topic: Industry Events   
