Cannes Dubs Ikea Advertiser of the Year


In acknowledgment of its creative achievements - in the form of the 50 Lions it has won over the past twenty years - Cannes will bestow the honor of Advertiser of the Year on Ikea. The award will be presented to Ikea Group Global Retail Manager Noel Wijsmans during the Festival in late June.

Ikea and its agencies are well known for their work which included the famed Crispin Porter + Bogusky-created Lamp ad that was awarded the Film Grand Prix in 2003. We thought the honor should have gone to Honda's Cog or Saturn's Sheet Metal that year but hey, that's just our opinion.

That said, there is no doubt the brand has done admirable work over the years and is absolutely deserving of this award.

by Steve Hall    May-17-11   Click to Comment   
Topic: Brands, Industry Events   
