Consumer Reports Ad Opposes AT&T T-Mobile Deal


Consumer Reports is out with an ad on Politico that states its opposition to the AT&T T-Mobile merger and why it would be bad for consumers. The copy reads, "To put it lightly, this wireless merger is tipped against you. Higher prices. Fewer choices. Say no to the AT&T T-Mobile merger."

In addition to the ad, Consumer Reports has sent a letter to all the members of congress urging them not to approve the deal.

Focusing on Consumer Reports, findings that T-Mobile has traditionally been a lower cost option than AT&T Consumers Union Policy Counsel Parul P. Desai said, "We are concerned that T-Mobile's departure from the wireless market would eliminate a relatively low-cost carrier as an option that many consumers need access to in order to afford quality wireless service."

The organization has also posted a petition opposing the merger and is asking for signatures.

by Steve Hall    Apr-15-11   Click to Comment   
Topic: Cause   
