Campaign Urges Sexually Assaulted Women to Come Forward


McCann Erikson in Israel came up with an interesting tactic to call attention to the fact of the one in three woman who are sexually assaulted, only ten percent come forward and speak out while the other 90 percent hide the offense.

The agency created an email campaign with a Word doc attached. The Word doc was a letter from one woman to her sister telling the story of how she was assaulted. Though the document had the track changes feature turned on so the recipient could see the edits being made. In other words, the covering up of facts out of fear or shame.

It can't be easy for a woman to come forward after something like this and an email campaign isn't going to solve everything but it's a nice effort and a step in the right direction.

by Steve Hall    Apr-18-11   Click to Comment   
Topic: Cause   
