Road Safety PSA Urges Us to Slow Down, Appreciate Life


Alright so we were all ready to whip up something snarky about this latest feel-good road safety PSA (it's a trend, you know) until we realized the message within the three minute video is a very important one. We need to slow down. Not just on the road but it life. In every aspect of our lives. We move too fast. Eat too quickly and drive too fast. And this makes us tense and uneasy and takes a toll on out bodies.

We need to breathe. To breath slowly as this PSA encourages. And to appreciate that slow breath and its importance. And to understand that getting there a few minutes earlier really isn't worth the harm life's constant race places upon us.

Some nice work from the Road Safety Council of Western Australia

by Steve Hall    Mar-24-11   Click to Comment   
Topic: Cause   
