Jack & Jones Fitness Gives 'Oral' Mouth to Mouth


Copyranter has unearthed a gem from Jack & Jones Fitness. The brand lives within the world of irony and has a very unique way of hyping its fitness club. In one video, the tables are turned and a guy is seen as a sex object complete with all the stereotypical complaints you here from women about sex.

In a second video, men are seen as a new line of Spring fashion. Or is it that the women are so hot they make the men pass out thereby needing resuscitation? Or is it that the men are so out of shape they can't have sex without a trip to Jack & Jones Fitness?

Either way, it's humorous to see a woman give mouth to mouth to a guy's dick. And come to the realization Jack & Jones is actually a fashion brand.

by Steve Hall    Mar-31-11   Click to Comment   
Topic: Racy, Strange   
