Laphroaig Scotch Whisky Will Tip Your World Sideways


Here's the weirdest liquor commercial we've ever seen. A weary traveler on a brink winter day stops into a tavern and has a glass of Laphroaig Scotch Whisky. And when he does, an alternate, surreal world reveals itself. A world that's controlled by how much the man tips his glass.

OK, nothing like promoting just how trashed whiskey can get you. That aside, we do like the nod to that momentary sensation and wandering thought which comes over you when you do consumer a glass of fine scotch whiskey.

Laphroaig Scotch Whisky - "Winter Revel" from Ted Marcus on Vimeo.

by Steve Hall    Feb-15-11   Click to Comment   
Topic: Commercials, Strange   
