Levi's Seeks Next Social Media Girl


After a successful promotion that netted Levi's its first Social Media Girl, the brand is on the prowl again for another. Once again, the brand is looking for video submissions from those who think they can help engage with the brand's fan base on Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms.

Interested women should head over to to the Levi's Facebook page by February 2 and check out the details. Five finalists will be selected and the public will vote from February 16 - 23. In a sense, it will be a simple popularity content. The girl with the most votes wins. Which, sadly, doesn't say anything about the girl's ability to engage in any manner with Levi's fane base.

For all we now, the next Levi's girl will be a big boobed, blond bimbo who loves to prance around in pleated plaid miniskirts and tight, low cut tops while uttering inanities that make no sense. But, no one will care. Because she's hot. And that's all that really matter, right?

by Steve Hall    Jan-17-11   Click to Comment   
Topic: Brands   
