Intel Core i5 Solves All Your Bourne Identity Desktop Problems


Does your desktop every get so full of windows, your computer slows to a crawl? Adding the the problem is the fact you need all these windows to get your work done. You don't want to waste time opening and closing programs when, if you had a computer powerful enough, you wouldn't have to.

Which is the point of this new video created by Venables Bell & Partners for Intel called The Chase. Directed by Smith & Foulkes and shot in Prague by Bourne Identity cinematographer Oliver Wood, the film features female action hero who escapes her pursuers by jumping through a collection of programs on a computer desktop.

We like the work. It tells a story. And a story that's directly related to the product being sold: a processor that can make your desktop fast enough to do all the work you have to do using all the programs you need to have open.

by Steve Hall    Jan- 6-11   Click to Comment   
Topic: Video   
