Gay Parenting Supported With New Campaign


Non-profit organization The Pop Luck Club, which supports gay fathers in Southern California, is out with a new ad campaign, Raise a Child, that aims to raise awareness and garner support for gay fathers and their families. Subjects such as surrogacy, fostering and adoption are explored with radio PSAs and bus shelters in and around the Los Angeles area.

Explaining the campaign, Pop Luck Club Co-President Richard Valenza said, "We make lunches for our kids, get them to music and karate lessons...just like every family. With this campaign, we are putting a real face on gay parenting."

The genesis of the group in 1998 was the gathering of gay fathers for pot luck dinners and the sharing of lifestyle issues. The group has since grown to over 500 members.

by Steve Hall    Jan- 4-11   Click to Comment   
Topic: Poster, Radio   
