Ad Age Bans Banned Super Bowl Ads. Adrants Soldiers On


Advertising Age has had enough and it isn't going to take it any longer. No sirree. Managing Editor Ken Wheaton has promised not to cover any brand that submits a press release claiming their commercial has been banned from the Super Bowl. And he chastises any media outlet who does choose to give publicity. Oops. Sorry, Ken.

We've already given publicity to Ashley Madison for their ridiculous commercial it thought was banned because it features a porn star. Well, that isn't the case. It was banned simply because it's a shitty ad. Oh and perhaps the nod to bestiality.

It seems GoDaddy may sneak past this Advertising Age ban, though. While we haven't seen Advertising Age cover the domain registrar's move, they've eschewed their typical, whiny tactics of year's past which included sensationalist references to their "banned commercials" which could only be viewed online and incessant complaints about a network's double standards. This year, the brand has chosen to go the route of the tease.

We're not sure we can adhere to the same ban Wheaton calls for. After all, much of what we cover here on Adrants focuses on the endless idiocy and insipid inanity in the industry. And, besides, who doesn't love a good laugh once or twice a day? Especially when it's at the expense of some buffoonish brand.

by Steve Hall    Jan-20-11   Click to Comment   
Topic: Super Bowl 2011   
