Rockstar + Anti-Rockstar = Urinary Explosion


Reminiscent - in a small way - of A Clockwork Orange comes this work from Young & Rubicam and Hungry Man Films for VH1. In the 1:45 video we see the ying and the yang of the rock world. Rockstar. And Anti-rockstar. Highlife. And lowlife. Cleavage-bearing hot chicks with huge boobs. And fully-dressed hotel staff with no boobs at all. First class. And economy class. Matter. And Anti-Matter.

And we all know what happens when matter meets anti-matter. Except, of course, when it's a really strange commercial for VH1 which makes a not so subtle (intentional? unintentional?) jab at it's aging audiences' bladder control issues. Young

There's a second in the series too:

by Steve Hall    Jul-13-10   Click to Comment   
Topic: Strange   
