Wake Up and Smell the Hottie in Your Bed, Idiot
You can interpret this Lynx commercial with Jessica Jane Clement in two different ways. First, the guy is just an absolute clueless idiot. Over and over, he kills his chances at having a continuing relationship with one of the hottest women in the world. And the fact he and his idiocy are even remotely associated with Lynx would cause one to avoid the product at all costs.
Second, they guy is still an absolute clueless idiot but so is every potential Lynx users because, according to this commercial, they have to be hit over the head again and again and again before they realize all they need to do is use Lynx to get one of the world's hottest women. Which, of course, is one of the most idiotic notions in the world.
Either way, the entire thing is an idiotic premise. Of course, that doesn't make it unfunny. Not at all.