Taking Pictures of a Man's Chest is Now Defined As Sexting


The whole Microsoft sexting thing? A total joke. It wasn't sexting and that wasn't a breast. Relax people. Seriously? If you haven't yet heard, an ad for Microsoft's new Kin shows a guy sticking his phone up his shirt to take a picture. He then sends it to a girl who "marvels" at his seemingly incredible "breasts." So says Consumer Reports writers Mike Gikas and Paul Reynolds.

Once again, dudes. Guys don't have breasts and sending a picture of a guy's chest does not constitute sexting.

The most surprising thing about this non-issue is that Microsoft actually thought what these guys had to say had merit and removed the "offending" scene from the ad. Stupid.

by Steve Hall    Apr-19-10   Click to Comment   
Topic: Brands, Policy, Strange, Worst   
