St. Pauli Girls Wants to Know if You Like Boobs or Booty


Stop the presses! This is amazing news! "Unprecedented" as the release screams! I mean, really. Can you believe it? St. Pauli Girl has, for the first time in its history, named the same woman to serve as their busty barmaid. Yes, Katerina Van Derham, who was chosen last year, has been chosen again to serve as the brewer's cleavage...uh...spokesmodel.

For those who like to drool over and objectify women who, for no other reason than being born with good genes, have big breasts and a hot body, the brand is asking people to vote for the official 2010 poster. Basically, the two choices boil down to whether you like boobs or booty.

by Steve Hall    Feb- 2-10   Click to Comment   
Topic: Brands   
