Funny Accents, Golfers Underwear, Copied Ads, Going Dutch


- Golfer John Daly says, "Slix boxer briefs are the most ridiculously comfortable underwear I've ever put on"

- Juggalo gets parodied.

- Wanna hear what people sound like in these here parts? Give a listen to Matt Van Hoven's This Week in Advertising.

- There's nothing like going Dutch to McDonald's By the way, where's the cause group to protect the Dutch from appearing to be cheap?

- Apparently, this commercial is supposed to sell sneakers. it just puts us to sleep.

- Danny Bloom tries to save the old fashioned "snailpaper."

- Is the Bud Light Observatory commercial a riff/copy of an IBM video from a couple of years ago? You decide.

by Steve Hall    Feb-24-10   Click to Comment   
Topic: Celebrity, Spoofs   
