Trees Hugged, Toys Wind, Mistletoe Cam'd, Magazine Futured
- Got a holiday wish? JWT wants it.
- Want so sexy Twitter analytics? Here's yet another tool for you to drool over. Check out Colle+McVoy's Squawq.
- Are you a Tree Hugger? Then you'll love this. Send a Christmas/Holiday eCard to as many people as you want - and the cost to you is nothing. For each card that's sent, Tesco will donate 5p to the Woodland Trust with the ultimate aim of planting 300 trees!
- TuB Gin, the bootlegger-themed premium gin created and distributed by Philly-based indie creative shop Red Tettemer and Colorado-based Peach Tree Distillery, has announced The TuB Gin Film Shoot Out.
- Adidas has a whole new thing from 180LA with Derrick Rose and Kevin Garnett called Lessons in Style. It's fly. Check it out.
- Hey, we thought you wanted us to unwind this holiday season. Still, a cool video from Gold n Fish.
- Oh look! It's a Mistletoe cam!
- Aukland's SKY TV says let the news speak for itself. Not quite sure how this touts a station's news gathering expertise but, hey, at least it isn't FOX.
- If you haven't already heard, the Evian Roller-Babies commercial broke the Guinness World Record for the most viewed online advertisement with 25,687,416 views.
- Want to see the magazine of tomorrow? This could be it.