Sexual Fantasy Nets New Domain Name


When you're sitting in the weekly agency bore-fest otherwise known as the traffic meeting, your mind tends to wander a bit doesn't it? You think of the bills you have to pay. The grass that needs mowing. The house that needs to be cleaned. The Christmas presents that need to be shopped for. The oil change appointment you need to make for your car. The new business presentation you need to prepare for. The groceries you need for dinner tonight...and girl on girl action between the traffic manager and her assistant.

Say what? OK, so maybe that last one only happens in a CrazyDomains commercial with Pamela Anderson and her attractive assistant who are looking for a new domain name for their business. With the help of one employee who finds himself in the middle of a full on fantasy, the ladies get what they need and the man ends up the star employee of the day.

Hey Bob Parsons, your commercials use to be fun like this. What happened?

by Steve Hall    Dec-16-09   Click to Comment   
Topic: Commercials, Racy   
