YouTube's Goofy Boi Pimps Pretzelmaker's Four Buck Hook Up


As you all know, we occasionally really love things most people don't. This might be one of those things. We just can't get enough of this work from 16 year old Goofy Boi who hooked up with Pretzelmake for, ahem, the Four Buck Hook Up, a music video that plays like an actual music video more than it does a commercial for the pretzel chain.

We're a sucker for derivatively simple, Owl City-like sing-a-long style songs...even though we never sing along. And anyway, who doesn't like a great young love story? Even if it comes in the form of a commercial?

In September, a Pretzelmaker executive found Goofy Boi's work online and worked with him to create this ideo to support a current promotion. Goofy Boi recorded the song in October and shot the video at a local mall the first week of November.

Give it a watch. And be nice to the guy.

by Steve Hall    Nov-30-09   Click to Comment   
Topic: Brands, Consumer Created, Good, Social, Video   
