You Can't See the New Volvo. And Neither Can The Blind Artist


When you close your eyes and imagine what your perfect car (or anything for that matter) would look like, what do you come up with? For those of us who can see, it's just a temporary diversion. For blind artist Esref Armagan, it's how he's envisioned everything since birth.

Volvo has invited Armagan to Sweden to paint his vision of the yet to be launched S60 which will make its debut at the Geneva Motor Show in March. Here's a short documentary on the project. A longer version will be available Monday.

It's truly fascinating to see how a person who's never seen a car in his life render it. Sure, Esref can touch all the cars he wants to get a sense of what they look like and he's likely touched many. But his finished product could be pretty interesting.

That or it will turn out to be yet another lame marketing stunt.

by Steve Hall    Oct-23-09   Click to Comment   
Topic: Video   
