That's My Billboard! No, It's Mine! No, Mine! Waa! Waa!


Pity the poor wild posting. It's under attack by New York-based Public Art Campaign. Specifically, the group is targeting NPA, a company which maintains a collection of specific wild posting locations.

Public Art Campaign representatives Sunday were seen around Manhattan with buckets of white paint covering NPA wild posting boards. According to Gothamist, less that an hour after the boards were whitewashed and non-commercial art applied, NPA had reclaimed the boards are reposted them with commercial messaging.

It's like two kids fighting over a toy (Mine! Mine! Mine!) until it breaks. Which then leads to a dueling temper tantrum of epic proportion.

According to the New York Times, five people were arrested in association with the standoff.

by Steve Hall    Oct-27-09   Click to Comment   
Topic: Cause, Outdoor, Strange   
